Gingersnap Cookies

Fall has arrived abruptly here on the Canadian Prairies this weekend. The air is very cool and crisp. The winds are blowing and the sun has yet to make an appearance from behind the clouds. I’m bundled up in a very cozy hoodie, sipping on tea and enjoying a spicy gingersnap cookie. And I feel happy. Sure, the chilly weather and winds were a bit of a pain at the farmer’s market this morning. But coming home to cuddle up with some blankets, brew a pot of tea and devour some cookies was the perfect reward for spending time out…


Tomato, Zucchini & Goat Cheese Clafoutis

Hello, and happy Thursday! Good news! It’s only one more sleep until Friday! :) Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? I am attending a friend’s birthday on Friday. Saturday, we are hitting up the local farmer’s market. And Sunday, I’m going to see my football team play. Now….last weekend…my team lost ZERO to 52. Seriously….zero to 52. *shudders* Hopefully, we can make a huge come-back this week. Orrrrr…to be more realistic….get a least ONE point :) It’s all I ask! *hehe* Today, I’d like to share a recipe that I was quite skeptical to make. This recipe…


Fresh Corn Farrotto

Hello, and happy Vegan Tuesday! I don’t know about you but I love when the work-week starts on a Tuesday. The weekend seems that much closer! We don’t have a lot planned for the upcoming weekend, but I always appreciate the weekend and the ability to sleep in! *hah* I am hoping to make it to the local farmer’s market this upcoming weekend, as I heard that there will be an abundance of squash, carrots, potatoes etc. I hope to find some acorn and butternut squash to roast. I’ve missed fall vegetables. However, I should not jump the gun just…
