Yesterday, my friend Helena from Peaches & Cream and I posted on one another’s blogs. She presented a delicious looking breakfast quinoa topped with fresh summer berries that I cannot wait to try!
I decided to pay tribute to the name of her lovely blog, so I presented Peaches & Cream Ice Cream with Salted Pecans. For the recipe, please head on over to Peaches & Cream. And feel free to leave Helena a comment to say hello :)
In french I would say ”Tes photos sont tellement belles, simples et épurées!”
Peach and pecan–what a great combination! Perfect for midsummer. :)
oh my, i definitely need a bowl of this in my life! :)
oh gosh this looks so gorgeous and delicious!
You are so SWEET Court- I love the addition of Salted Pecans- yummy!
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